Facility services are something without which the business facility cannot function properly and provide expected results. Whether it is production, industrial or warehouse premises, offices, hotels, trade centers, and market chains. Or hospitals, pharmacies, sports...
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What is an HVAC system and why is it important that it always works like clockwork?
HVAC system is a name taken from the English language and stands for the acronym of the multi-part term Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. Given that there is no unique, domestic name for these three systems in the Serbian language, this crude Anglicism has...
What is sick building syndrome and is it present in your employees?
Sick Building Syndrome is a collection of symptoms or health issues that occur in individuals who spend a prolonged period of time in a certain building that is fully air-conditioned.
Everything you need to know about the technical maintenance of business facilities
Technical maintenance of business facilities is under the umbrella of facility services, i.e. management of business facilities. This type of maintenance includes every technical task necessary to ensure optimal operation, quality, and safety in the physical and...