Cleaning and disinfection of business premises – Part of our expertise

Početna 5 Disinfection 5 Cleaning and disinfection of business premises – Part of our expertise

Cleaning and disinfection of business premises are among the primary activities if the health and safety of employees are to be ensured. That is why company managements devote their full attention to this serious task.

Are cleaning and disinfection of business premises necessary after the Corona pandemic?

Yes, of course, it is! Especially considering that the Covid-19 virus, to a lesser or greater extent, is still circulating around the planet. Along with it, there are always different varieties and mutations of seasonal flu, the spread of which should be prevented. That is why cleaning and disinfection of work premises are not desirable, but mandatory throughout the year.

The norm of management boards of companies is that, in addition to the means for work, they also provide hygienic conditions for the execution of business orders.

This is the only way employees will be health protected, and the company will realize its full potential.

Read also: Regular cleaning of offices leads to higher productivity of the company >>

Who should be entrusted with the maintenance of company hygiene?

In order to maintain hygiene, hygienists were employed internally in the socialist system. However, modern business has moved this aspect out of the circles of its employees and entrusted it to external collaborators.

This decision was made consciously and with a long-term sustainable plan in mind: professional hygienists are trained to perform cleaning and disinfection tasks in the most efficient way.

This means that they are qualified to prepare and use special sanitary chemicals, industrial machinery, and other equipment. And all of that with the minimum expenditure of time!

The reasons are therefore of a practical nature: simplifying this part of the business and reducing costs.

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Photo: Freepik

Respecting ISO standards and the highest cleaning protocols, Invekta’s hygienists perform their tasks with the utmost conscientiousness and expertise. Their performance in terms of hygiene is immediately noticeable, while the results of disinfection are manifested through less frequent worker illnesses.

That is why creating a safe and healthy working environment is extremely important. Both from the side of employee well-being, as well as from the point of view of the quality of their work and optimization of efficiency.

How does Invekta carry out cleaning and disinfection of business premises?

Proven biodegradable chemical preparations, safe for people and the environment, are applied in carefully determined doses on all surfaces in the work area. Using specially formulated chemicals, furniture, floors, and windows are first cleaned of all deposits of dirt, grease and stains. Then they are disinfected with certified anti-Covid agents, of high efficiency and antiseptic power.

During cleaning and, especially, disinfection, we place emphasis on the tactile areas, which are most contaminated with pathogens. These are usually: light switches, doorknobs, buttons in elevators, handrails on stairs, computer components (keyboards, mice), photocopiers, and scanners.

Toilet and dining rooms are also thoroughly cleaned, so it is mandatory to disinfect faucets, buttons on cisterns, coffee machines, tables, chair backs, etc.

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Photo: Freepik

We gained the trust of more than 500 clients with a responsible approach to work, qualified staff, professional equipment, and compliance with prescribed ISO standards.

Since we have been operating in the territory of the Republic of Serbia for 20 years, we regularly fulfill the obligation to provide valid certificates:

What do we do if there is a case of an employee suffering from Covid in the company whose hygiene maintenance we work on?

If the presence of the coronavirus in at least one worker is confirmed in the company, Invekta tries to decontaminate and secure the entire area. It is imperative for us to thoroughly clean and disinfect all working, dining, and utility rooms before re-use.

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Photo: Freepik

During that process, we implement recognized methods of sterilization of all contact parts of business centers, offices, and factories: furniture, carpets, hard floors, walls, and ceilings.

By using adequate prophylactic equipment (sterile overalls, masks, shields, and visors), we protect our employees at the same time. Not allowing them to become infected with Covid-19 during the cleaning and disinfection of business facilities.

Read also: Professional maintenance of the hygiene of business facilities – Trend or your objective need? >>

Sanitized hands are more than half health!

To clients who hire us for cleaning and disinfection of business premises, we offer the possibility of purchasing a contactless system for hand disinfection.

This compact, 3 in 1 device enables antiseptic protection of hands in every place in the business premises, and is made of:

  • contactless totem for disinfection;
  • Diversey Intelli Care hybrid dispenser;
  • Diversey Soft Care Des E disinfectant.

With simple assembly, elegant design, and high-quality of workmanship, the contactless totem will allow employees and visitors simplified and safe hand disinfection.

Read also: Paper confection – Obligatory hygienic raw material for companies >>

What other facility services do we provide?

Cleaning and disinfection of business premises is only one of the services we provide to our clients. In addition to regular and thorough hygiene maintenance, our service domain also includes:

We emphasize that all our services are supported by the most modern software for monitoring and easier management of given processes.

Read also: Modernize and improve your business with software management! >>

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