Početna 5 Facility management 5 Belgrade cleaning agencies

Belgrade cleaning agencies many years ago put this town on the map of European capitals that professionally take care of its good image. Especially in the business world, which long ago abolished all geographical barriers and established common standards and high expectations in numerous areas.

When it comes to business premises, there are few facility agencies that could boast of two decades of experience and enviable results in the maintenance of business facilities.

By reading this text, you will learn more about one of them.

Belgrade cleaning agencies make this city a more pleasant place to live and work in

Successful business management implies permanent care of its so-called peripheral aspects, those that are usually not directly related to the company’s activity itself.

These are maintenance jobs, which are unobtrusive and imperceptible if they are done in a valid and professional manner. However, if they aren’t any, a drastic difference is noticed – all links in the business chain begin to suffer.

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Photo: Invekta

That is why Belgrade cleaning agencies have made sure that no business is lacking in facility service. Of course, as in any other activity, not all agencies have an equally responsible attitude towards entrusted work. In addition, the quality of their services can differ significantly, as well as the prices.

When looking for a commercial cleaning agency, all of these factors must be taken into account and ultimately a rational decision can be made. It is clear that there must be reciprocity between service standards, meeting deadlines and the final price. Concessions must never be made at the expense of good service, even if the cost are slightly higher.

That is why companies that opt for a facility management agency with extensive experience and references of more than 500 hundred clients can really make their working environment more pleasant.

And, healthier? Without any doubt!

Read also: Professional maintenance of the hygiene of business facilities – Trend or your objective need? >>

How to save time, reduce expenses and increase productivity with Invekta?

The practice that was valid until a decade ago when it comes to maintaining the hygiene of business premises is no longer relevant. Why? Since companies had to have a large number of hygienists on their payroll, this meant more administrative and financial obligations. Salaries, PIO contributions (The pension and disability insurance fund of the Republic of Serbia), sick leave, vacations, injuries at work, uniforms… All of this had a significant impact on the overall budget.

Since the first cleaning agencies opened in Belgrade, company managers could finally relax. Companies could simply transfer all the burden of maintaining hygiene to specialized agencies.

Invekta’s primary service activity is maintaining the hygiene of business facilities. Being sensitive to the needs of the market, we expanded the scope of work to technical maintenance, security, green maintenance, winter service and support services.

A special curiosity is the fact that we have improved this package of overall management of the care of business facilities with the most modern software for managing the maintenance of business facilities.

Read also: Modernize and improve your business with software management! >>

Our priority above priorities is a clean and hygienic business environment!

Considering that in our long work we are guided exclusively by the highest standards of cleanliness, the question arises: how do we achieve this? You will be surprised, the answer is very simple:

  • hiring trained and experienced hygiene staff;
  • using professional and safe sanitary means for people and the environment;
  • using the most modern industrial machines for cleaning all types of business premises, floor coverings and other surfaces.

However, the element without which this triple alliance would not be complete and so successful is: responsibility towards the work we have dedicated ourselves to.

Therefore, only in a good correlation, these factors give the expected, high results, of which we are more than proud.

What service modes can we offer you?

Our clients operate in a wide variety of industries: IT sector, trade, pharmacy, food industry, auto distribution and many others. Each of them has special requirements when it comes to maintaining the hygiene of the business interior. Because the same resources are not needed when, for example, maintaining the production plant of a huge factory, a chain of over 400 pharmacies or an open-space office.

Let’s start from the beginning. Maintaining the hygiene of business facilities can take place at different time intervals and to a different extent, such as:

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Photo: Invekta

Daily cleaning

This type of cleaning involves:

  • wiping of office furniture;
  • carpet vacuuming;
  • mopping floors;
  • emptying trash cans;
  • toilet cleaning;
  • regular and timely replenishment of paper products (towels, toilet paper), soap and liquid for hand disinfection;
  • disinfection of contact, most frequently used surfaces (knobs, switches, counters, electronic equipment).

General cleaning

General cleaning is also necessary for work facilities, not only for residential areas. What Invekta provides to its clients includes the following activities:

  • moving furniture and appliances and vacuuming carpets with vacuum cleaners with special filters for deep suction;
  • emptying closets and cleaning their interior;
  • cleaning and disinfection of office equipment;
  • vacuuming, wiping dust and cobwebs from blinds, window panes, ventilation openings and ceiling installations;
  • window cleaning;
  • cleaning of blinds and shutters on windows and doors;
  • wiping and disinfection of contact surfaces (door handles, switches, lighting, sockets, computer keyboards);
  • detailed wiping and disinfection of floors;
  • disinfection of partitions and walls;
  • detailed cleaning of toilets and dining rooms.
Read also: Paper confection – Obligatory hygienic raw material for companies >>

Periodic (monthly) cleaning

The specialized Invekta’s team can be perform all listed sanitary activities in time intervals that best suit the client and his work. For example, pharmacies, healthcare facilities and food factories must strictly follow the highest hygiene codes and perform daily cleaning and disinfection. Some other facilities may conduct them once a month.

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It is recommended that, especially in the period of a virus epidemic, cleaning is carried out at least once a week so that the sanitary correctness of the business facility is always at the highest level. This is the only way to ensure the conditions for maximum health protection in the workplace, either for employees or visitors.

But it is up to the client to decide which model to choose: daily, weekly, monthly or occasional cleaning every several months. In any case, after the cleaning carried out by our excellent hygienists, the office space will shine with a completely new look.

Read also: Dispensers for companies as the crown of hygiene maintenance of business premises >>

Belgrade cleaning agencies and Invekta as the right choice among them

The advantage of cooperation with our company is, apart from the stated characteristics of our work, also reflected in the specially designed computer software that we use every day.

This IT-solution of the last generation in facility management introduced a revolution, allowing us to be the first in this part of Europe to monitor every segment and every second of field work. In addition, we always have insight into all sectors and can react immediately by sending support if necessary.

For our clients, business facility maintenance management software means double function and double profit. Namely, with its help, we monitor every, even the smallest part of the service activities of our employees, engaged in the client’s facility. We also monitor raw materials and infrastructure 24/7. This allows us to plan timely replenishment and response in the event of possible breakdowns (when it comes to technical maintenance).

Another advantage is reflected in the fact that the client can install the mentioned software quickly, easily and completely free of charge. In this way, he/she will simply be able to monitor the entire commitment to hygiene maintenance. Including costs, from anywhere on the planet!

This type of double monitoring has proven to be effective in the long term not only in terms of having control, but in terms of building trust between us and the client.

All facility services and the organization of their fulfillment in Invekta’s business, which is almost two decades long, are completely open and without hidden costs.

Call us today and let’s find a solution together that will help you make your work more successful, more prosperous and above all easier.

Read also: The future of maintenance of business facilities >>

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Whoever works, also gets dirty!

And we are everywhere where work is being done.
Our clients confirm that.